This site is dedicated to Jim Holleran

So sorry for your loss. He and I were good friends during our high school years, he gave me a few driving tips and I used his parents Chevy Corvair to take my driving. Lost touch after high school. May he rest in peace.
While nesting at home during the coronavirus contagion, I’ve been reflecting on people who influenced my life and who have passed away over the years. These include high school classmates. As a grateful member of South Catholic’s Class of 1967, I wish to offer a few words of remembrance to honor those from our class whom I believe are deceased. They are Patricia Filipkowski, Joe Honan, Mary Klepadlo, Fran McLane, Mary Mulkerin, Mary Ann Glen, Alice Reap, Paul Savitsky, John Shean, Jim Stahl, Wally White, Bob Wojewodski, Brian McCrea, Leonard Losavich, and William Baranowski. If there are others, I am unaware of their passing.
Patricia Filipkowski radiated a gentleness that was exemplary. I did not know her well, yet I admired her for her softness of being. I think of it as a reflection of her grace. If there are angels among us, Patricia surely was one.
Joe Honan, who tragically died as a medic in Vietnam, had a unique personality and a very distinctive presence. I knew him since grade school--we even shared a desk for a short time in eighth grade--and he always was his own man. Hoagie laughed easily, sang soulfully, and would always stand with you when you needed help. He was special.
Mary Klepadlo had a chronic illness that was truly debilitating. Yet she quietly faced each day, and each challenge, with sublime dignity and with almost supernatural perseverance. I think that Mary gave to each of us a great gift, namely the opportunity to perceive and to appreciate our blessings and our humanity. Although compromised physically, she was a star at living.
Fran McLane daily demonstrated fortitude and class in living with the disfigurement caused by his having been badly burned as a child. He demonstrated his strength of character in not allowing his appearance or his physical constraints to define him as a person. While some of us found a temporary facial blemish difficult to endure, Fran quietly showed us each day how to deal steadfastly with real adversity.
Mary Mulkerin was probably the most genuine person whom I have ever known. She was also very witty, quite insightful, and exceptionally good-natured. Every time I interacted with Kernie I felt better than I had been feeling before our interaction. There are very few people in this world who have that quality. She was a joy to know.
Mary Ann Glen was quiet by nature, yet invariably friendly and pleasant. She was a very serious and exceptional student, yet she had no pretense about her considerable abilities. In Junior year I learned that Mary Ann had a comprehensive knowledge of Greek Mythology, a subject about which I had never given a thought. In many ways she was an intellectual inspiration.
Alice Reap was quite intelligent, very popular, and a person of social influence within our class. I always admired her very engaging spirit. Although our interactions outside of class were few, I sensed that Alice also had a quiet yet refined sensitivity. She had a remarkable combination of qualities.
Paul Savitsky had three qualities that made him distinctive, or four if you count his pompadour haircut. One was courage. As we might have said then, “the guy had guts.” Another was calmness. He did what he did without clamor or fanfare. The third was confidence. His self-assurance was notable. Paul was courageously, calmly, confident.
John Shean I knew since grade school. My fondest memory of him was one day when our Cub Scout pack was meeting at his house. Suddenly his baby brother came tumbling down their wooden stairs like a bowling ball shot from a cannon. While the rest of us sat in shock, John instantly dashed to aid his brother with such loving, caring, compassionate concern that I, even as a kid, was deeply impressed. I still am. That is how I see John as having always been, with his brother and with everyone.
Jim Stahl had an effervescent vitality throughout our school years. My most meaningful memory of Jim, however, was after the birth of his son Gregory. Jim asked me to review the manuscript of a history book that he was writing. While reading his manuscript, I asked why he was writing the book. Jim said that no one would expect him to write a book, and that he was doing so to inspire his son to realize that, with sufficient dedication and effort, one can achieve whatever one chooses to achieve. I remain genuinely touched by his remarkable act of love.
Wally White was a naturally friendly, consistently dependable, truly decent guy. The Biblical expression “salt of the earth” describes a responsible, rock solid person on whom a community can rely. To me that expression nicely captures Wally’s essence.
Bob Wojewodski was a great friend of mine during high school. Bob was invariably gracious, keenly intelligent, remarkably creative, and extraordinarily artistic. I continue to feel very fortunate to have shared a friendship with him those many years ago.
Brian McCrea was known as “Stick” to many of us, obviously because of his tall, lanky frame. I always thought that it was a cool nickname. And Stick was a cool guy. He was always friendly, always warmhearted, always ready to lend a hand, or an ear, or an idea. I knew him from homeroom, and I liked him a lot. I believe everyone did.
Lenny Losavich had a tremendously interesting face. If you wanted to look like a tough guy, you wanted to look like him. But actually he was a really nice guy. Tough guys are not usually thought of as being kind or considerate or cheerful. But Len was all of those things. I thought then, and still think, that he was a truly solid and dependable person.
Bill Baranowski, in some ways, reminds me of my father. That never occurred to me then, but as I think of Bill now, that is what comes to mind. Bill was quiet and never sought the limelight. Yet he was perfectly trustworthy, absolutely reliable, and constantly respectful of those with whom he interacted. Bill silently showed us how to be.
How blessed we were to have had these individuals with us.
My husband of 43 years passed away on July 1, 2018 from Pancreatic Cancer,
The other set of twins(girls) were born on Nov. 9th in 2015, and the 5th boy, Jacob, was born in 2018.
I learned that Bob Wojewodski died recently, and I wish to commemorate him. I’ve not had any contact with Bob since college, and then only on incidental occasions. So I cannot speak about his adult life. But in high school Bob was my friend, and a very fine friend he was.
During our time at South Catholic Bob was invariably gracious, keenly intelligent, and remarkably creative. From his bell-ringing scampers down Nativity’s corridor when it was time for us to change Freshman classes, to his colorful Madras personality brightening our Sophomore days at St. Mary’s, to his extraordinary artistry and public speaking prowess during our years at the new South Catholic, Bob invigorated our class in a unique way. I feel very fortunate to have shared a friendship with him during those formative years long ago.
I hope that Bob was at peace in his life and at his death. May his spirit live on.
Because this year is the 50th anniversary of our graduation, I've spent pleasant hours reflecting on our time together as South Catholic’s Class of ’67. I sincerely thank my classmates and friends for the countless high school interactions that helped to shape me as a person, and for the kaleidascope of memories of our South Catholic days. In the "School Story" section on my Profile page I offer to anyone interested a personal recollection of those days.